Beaudesert Show Campdraft will be run on the 5th 6th 7th April starting after lunch Friday.

It will be run under aca rules with their nominating system. Please make sure your membership is paid up before nominations open.

Planning is well under way with cattle numbers , sponsorship, and judges, being sourced. Many thanks to the Business and individuals who have offered their sponsorship already, anyone can offer and it all goes to making a successful draft for the community. Ambulance and cattle transport are our biggest costs to run the draft so any money donated is appreciated and can go towards paying for these.

Beaudesert show draft is run completely by volunteers so if you can spare a few hours over the weekend remember many hands make light work and will help the draft run smoothly all weekend.

The canteen will be open with a sausage sizzle Friday evening. Catering over the weekend will be organised  by Debbie Bischoff and Beaudesert Kindy and Darlington school volunteers.

Saturday Night we will have Dinner and music by Kelly Lotz.

Any questions please ring 0418886783 or email Sue Harrison campdraft coordinator.